Ozkan Celen Seviye 3
İNGİLİZCEDEKİ BAZI DETAYLAR " Details in English " | 4 | 42:47 | 480 p |
MODALARA GENEL BAKIŞ " Modals (can, should, must, have to) " | 1 | 22:35 | 480 p |
CÜMLE YAPILARI " Sentence Structure " | 8 | 01:54:32 | 480 p |
ADRES SORMA VE YOL TARİFİ " Asking for and Giving Directions " | 1 | 13:21 | 480 p |
BENZERLİKLER " Similarities " | 1 | 05:12 | 480 p |
BİR RESTORANDA SİPARİŞ VERME " Ordering in a restaurant " | 1 | 13:16 | 480 p |
KİBAR RİCALAR " Polite Requests " | 2 | 16:37 | 480 p |
ŞİMDİKİ ZAMAN " Present Continuous Tense " | 1 | 15:26 | 480 p |
ALIŞVERİŞ YAPMAK " Doing Shopping " | 1 | 11:12 | 480 p |
SIFATLAR VE ZARFLAR " Adjectives and Adverbs " | 1 | 14:35 | 480 p |
CÜMLEDE SIFATLARIN ÖNCELİK SIRASI " Adjective Order in a Sentence " | 1 | 07:34 | 480 p |